Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week #1: What's Your Fortune?

Not as pretty as it is mostly for context :)

"The respect of influential people will soon be yours"
To see the artwork go here


  1. James, post a link to the show and your work. Would love to hear more about this. :O)

  2. It was a collaboration of work from people that had been in a workshop at the Palm Springs Photo Festival last spring on 2010. The photo office had suggested I apply for the even and I got the scholarship.

    It was a three day on site class with Kenro Izu. It's hard to say his name without talking about his career and all he has done for the community in Cambodia with the creation of the Angkor Childrens Hospital. However I will let his site talk for him.

    To me he is a master view camera shooter with a Zen like approach to photography. He uses a 14x20 field camera :)

    Anyways Karen Florek was one of the people in the workshop that actually rented the Gallery in Joshua Tree and promoted it to the local papers and blogs. It got press and some Art Center grads showed up to view the work. I have been pitching to Kenro and his hospital to do a photo project and it was rejected last fall on my term off. So this was a great ice breaker to find out what happened and maybe solidify a foundation in a future trip out to Cambodia and to maybe have another workshop as well.

    Kenro is an extremely influential man in a world that connects one to Museum commissions and Book publishing knowledge not to forget fund raisers and "non for profit" work.

    Here is a link to the work that was actually printed 30x30. I was the only one that sold a print but every one had great work on the walls.

  3. Sorry I don't know how to make a proper link in this comment box. Does not seem to translate to a link but just text you must copy and paste.

  4. PS:

    Link to the photos from the gallery:!/photo_search.php?oid=175590302481383&view=all

  5. James, i posted the link to a post with an image and © attached, wonderful show!
